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Film Discussion: The Power of the Dog

  • 04/28/2022
  • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Zoom (link provided upon registration)


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Film: “The Power of The Dog” 2021 US

Written and Directed by Jane Campion

A western psychological drama film based on the 1967 novel “The Power of the Dog” written by Thomas Savage. 

The story unravels a complicated relationship between two brothers Phil and George with two distinctly different personalities living on a ranch in Montana’s wild country in 1920’s.

This film garnered many accolades, including an Academy Award (Best Director, Jane Campion) and several nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor (x2), Best Supporting Actress and many more!

Informal Discussion (on Zoom)

Please watch the film before the discussion.  (In theaters and available on Netflix.)


17 North State Street
Suite 1760
Chicago, IL 60602

p: 312-263-1421

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