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Swift School Projects

Supporting students to become global citizens

IWA funding provides additional resources for students at the George B. Swift Specialty School, a port-of-entry Pre-K through Grade 8 public school. Swift School serves a population of low-income immigrant and refugee students from over 50 countries, speaking multiple languages and dialects.

Book Distribution

Every year, IWA funds a book distribution event, providing over 2,000 brand new books to all students Pre-K through 8th Grade. Each class is presented with a great variety of age-appropriate books and every student chooses two books to take home to share with their family. The book distribution is a great opportunity for IWA members to become acquainted with the school and to see how excited the children are to choose their own books.

Poetry in Residence Program

In partnership with the Chicago Poetry Center, IWA co-sponsors the Poetry in Residence program which places Chicago poets/teaching artists in CPS classrooms to read, write, discuss and perform poetry with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in 20-week sessions.

Classroom Helper Program

IWA members volunteer in classrooms twice a month to assist teachers and interact with students to support classroom learning.

Essay Contest

As part of the Swift School curriculum, IWA sponsors an annual essay contest for students in Grade 3 through Grade 8. The winner in each grade level receives an award.

Educational Enhancement

In the past, IWA funded a coaching program to help Grade 7 students prepare for the ISAT tests. This program included practice tests, strategy discussions and a review of the academic topics to be included in the test. Grade 8 students received an “Ideal Student Workshop” program to help them prepare for going into high school.

Classroom Equipment

When the need arises, IWA has helped fund special educational equipment for students such as interactive touchscreens for classrooms, band equipment, and Chromebooks for remote learning.


307 North Michigan Avenue
Suite 702
Chicago, IL 60601

p: 312-263-1421

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